In the beginning of July I competed in a kitesurfing competition called Aloha KITE Challenge. It took place at Pärnu beach and the weather was  s u p e r b !! we had wind on both days of competition and got to do more than two rides like last time. Overall I did way better than last year, but ended up with second place like last year. Still, it was a lot of fun and a lot of sun and sun kissed surfers and good music and everything you'd imagine a weekend filled with surf would look like, just picture the perfect.

day I

the scariest moment
only way of surviving was to keep your kite in a secured spot so it wouldn't fall into anyone else's lines, eeeeh so challenging
(I'm the one on the right)
wish I would've had a gopro on my head, the view from my eyes was soooo cool 
(imagine all of those kites flying over your head, literally 1m apart from each other)

and now the smallest kite in the middle, white-red-striped
the reason i was not that good was that I had the smallest kite from all, so it was hard to catch enough wind to surf upwind, but I did manage to beat some men so..

day II
and now meet Rein from Viljandi, who decided to photobomb our pic

doing all the abs possible

after out last rides on saturday we just chilled on the roof, sunbathed and shared some smiles

what a feast

prepped some salad for myself because as always (expected) the food they offer for free during the comp either contains meat or is bad, so why not to enjoy something better and fresh?

proud team Fansurf team riders after two long days surfing and winning

a perfect summer paradise and a tumblr-look a like beach

ladies first three
happy as hell

I'm more tanned than kata, u suck xd

so after the award ceremony we decided to take a loooot of pictures and by surprise we were dressed quite the same, and the sunset brought amazing colours to the sky and the sand was cold and good music played in the background and we teamed up with some windsurfers and played jungle speed and just enjoyed our last night
ps so happy for kata thnx m8 #twinning

a happy me spinning a hole in the sand

and the crowddd

my trophy this year was a cruiser deck, only need to put on some wheels and I'd be good to go 
so genius !!

call me a liar but it was honestly soon friggin perfect
love the cold sand on summer evenings, whilst the weather is still rather warm, and the sea is quiet

the good feeling of freedom mixed with happiness with a hint of excitement and contentment
my favourite feeling

until next year

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