On that saturday of September I decided we go to Tabasalu for a picnic and so we did and it was the best decision for reals! In the morning we went to NOP Sügisturg aka NOP autumn flea and bought some spinach hummus and a salad dressing and two vegan cakes- one chocolate brownie and one apple crumble, which was gf as well. After prepping some food to go at my place we took a spot by the cliff and layed down our blanket and ate alllll the amazing food we took along, all was plant based and vegan which was such a plus and made it so much more easier to digest therefore I at least 
did not feel bloated at all- the bestbestbestest!!

NOP's garden will win my award of the best yard 2k15

and the easiest way to prep a salad: just start with your dressing and/OR the thickest ingridients and work your way up to the lightest and add salad leaves in the end, this way anything won't get wet 
with the dressing ad stays fresh as you packed it, so good an SO easy!



Words cannot describe my overwhelming happiness when mom messaged me one day saying "Christmas came early this year". And when I got home that same night - oh my dear god it really came early !! One of my biggest wishes this year has been a new blender that'd be at least a bit more powerful than our hand blender, and I said that it can be my christmas present that'd be beneficial for 
the whole family actually - and dadaa !! I (finally) got it!!!!! 
I woke up 15 minutes earlier the next morning just to unpack it and blend my first ever smoothie with my new baby and oh how much better it is (!) as it's 1200W and my last one was 180W so you can
imagine the change in texture and taste !!! (I speak like a basic vegan, excuse me) 
From now on every batch of hummus I make or the frozen bananas I blend, it all goes so fast and so easily and there isn't anything this blender wouldn't break down. When I was still on my research about good blenders, I came down to buying either a Vitamix or a Stollar, and they're quite similar to be honest. But both are rather expensive and not all of the editions are sold in Estonia. Then I stopped 
as it seemed rather unbelievable that I'd ever get one..

Now this new baby is extreme!!
the jug is bpa-free and 1.5 litres AND it has 5 different functions + extra ice crush & auto cleaning
and it is prettyful and quiet and easy to use and just so good!!

the first ever ice cream made by using my new power-machine

and a watermelon juice (liquify is one of the functions!!)

I recommend you buy Stollar when you're about to buy a new blender!
(ps: not a sponsored post)



As you can see, I have worked on my blog's appearance a bit and designed my new header. I'm so content with how it turned out as I'm just starting to understand Photoshop - so this is my first ever good looking actually practical piece of "art" and I couldn't be happier!

There's actually a short story about these palm leaves. They are called tropical montana leaves and it's quite like either hannah tropical montana or tropical hannah montana and that's basically it. I google'd palm leaves wanting to find these leaves to edit and found these and found out the name and decided that this will be it and then I did it and now I'm happy.!

thank YOU for reading my blog and giving me motivation to write more



Many of us, I guess, do not have the time in the morning to blend up an enormous and ingredient-rich smoothie for breakfast (on the go possibly) and so for me at least they end up being quite simple, and I thought I'd share the easiest with you as well. I tried to work on the colours too, so that each day of the week would start off a bit differently than the last one !

A green monday

1 handful on spinach
1 handful of homegrown kale
2 bananas
1 mango
2 dates // 1 tbsp coconut sugar
half a kiwi
some water

green smoothies have always been the hardest for me, don't get me wrong, I love them so much, but it is hard to get the balance between the greens and fruits right, so it can easily end up being too salady, therefore I recommend you add some dates or coconut sugar during the first times at least, it guarantees a sweeter taste! also the amout of water (for any smoothies actually) depends on your personal taste - I like mine more runny in the mornings, because I don't have the time to eat them with a spoon and as a smoothie bowl, so I add quite a lot of water, but you can add it according to your taste !

A tropical tuesday

2 bananas
1 mango
half a passionfruit
1/4 a pineapple

On wednesdays I drink pink

2 bananas
2 handfuls of frozen raspberries
coconut sugar

(one of my favourite combinations ever)

A beachy thursday

1 and a half bananas
2 cups frozen strawberries ( I used raw freezed jam)

and another green but milder morning on friday

1 handful of spinach
2 bananas
1 kiwi

start your morning off right (basic vegan bitches)


Oo püha linnateater ja OO armas Maarja, kes te tegite mu esmaspäeva nii eriliseks!

Käisime vaatamas "Melujanu" mis oli nii üleüleülekõige imeilus ja maailmahea ja kõikse parem üle pika aja üldse ja andis nii palju mõtlemisruumi ja inspiratsiooni ja soovi ise midagi samalaadset luua, midagi teistega jagada, midagi mis algab väiksest ja lõppeb suursugusega ja on samal ajal nii minimalistlik kuid nii palju ütlev. Jah, seda ma tahaksin ja just seda see etendus oli: poolteist tundi sõnatust, vaid helisid ning liigutusi, püsimatust, armastust, viha, kannatust, iha, kõike kõike inimlikku, lisaks meeletult hea koreograafia ning tehnika, emotisoonid ja lavakujundus, kõik oli viimse detailini paigas ja just nii oligi ilusaim!
aitäh sulle, Maarja!!



Hey guys.

I haven't been around lately and I miss it quite a lot but I just..
there are too few hours in one day and I haven't had any time to blog because so much is happening all the time and therefore I have sooo many photos and videos and news and cool stories and recipes and ideas etc but it is just the lack of time (or the ability to plan out my day) (or strength and willingness to blog afrer a long and tiering day) so please excuse me

Right now it is our fall break and so I am hoping that I will finally have some more time to catch up on the blog stuff and share some already old photos etc, I will work it out I promise!!
