Umbes täpselt aasta aega tagasi sügisel oli see pühapäev, mil ma läksin esimest korda Valmariga trenni. Sel päeval sain esimest korda sõitma ja since then olen nii kiiresti arenenud. Vahepeal tuli Valmar kakumäele treeneriks ja oli peaaegu nagu eratreener mulle, sest peale igat trenni küsis ta mult, kuidas täna oli ja mida uut ma õppisin ja vahepeal näitas oma trenni ajal mulle hüppamise basicut jne. 
Täna oli see pühapäev, mil me läksime Marteniga surfama, üle kuu aja sai lõpuks merele, can't describe, kui hea see oli!! Kui mõelda, kuidas ma aasta aega tagasi sõitsin, ja kuidas nüüd, siis WOW. vesi oli muidugi meeeeletult külm, eriti, kui ma esimest korda seisma jäin ja kalipso märjaks läks, aga mida külmem, seda vähem kukub, that's for sure, lainetelt tõuked järjest kõrgemale, järgmine hooaeg saab freestylega tegelema hakata xd Merelt tagasitulles sain küll vaevu poomist lahti lastud, näpud olid nii külmad ja kui ma koguaeg samamoodi kinni hoian poomist, siis pole ime :D talvejopet pole ma vist kunagi nii kaua selga pannud, reaalselt surusin teise käega oma näppe sirgeks, ise sirutades lihtsalt ei suutnud :D Paar meest approves merel, kui ma peale hüpet ei kukkunud ja üleüldse oli niiiii palju lohetajaid seal, ma imestan, et ma mingit jama jälle ei korraldanud, kellegagi kokku ei põrganud vms, sest vanasti ma kartsin tohutult, kui merel oli üle kümne lohe... + kui me oleks järginud kõiki lohesõidu ohutuse reegleid jms, siis me poleks saanud selliseid laineid, sest pidevält käis üle lahe mitu suurt vihmapilva ja vahepeal isegi sadas. Teoreetiliselt on keeletud sellise ilmaga sõita, aga see oli niivõrd mõnus ja hea oli olla tagasi merel, kaiffida neid laineid ja lihtsalt poolteist tundi kakumäe tipust tabasalu rannani ja tagasi sõita!!!

About one year ago in autumn was a sunday when i went surfing with Valmar for the first time. On that sunday I learned, how to really ride and since then I've developed so fast. Meanwhile Valmar became a coach at Kakume and was almost my personal trainer as he asked about the training afet every time I came back from the sea, what new did I learn and he even showed me the basics of jumping during his own training etc. 
Today was the sunday, when we went surfing with marten, over a month has passed and we finally got to take the sea, I can't describe, how good it was to be back!! If to look back how I tried to surf last year and how I'm doing right now, then WOW. Well, water was soooooo cold, especially when I first stopped and my wetsuit got a little bit wet, but the colder the less i fall, that's for sure, jumps from the waves get higher and next season I want to learn some freestyle xd After I got back from the sea I barely could let go of the handle as I hold my fingers in the same position for the whole time, that's obvious. My fingers were so cold :D I think that's the longest I've ever put on my winter jacket, because I had to push my fingers straight with my other hand, I just couldn't push them straight myself :D A few men approved my landings after jumps as I didn't fall and soooooo many kiters were on the sea, I wonder how I managed to not to make any trouble- didn't crash into anyone etc, because a year ago I was so afraid if there were over 10 kiters on. And if we'd have followed all the rules of safe kiting we wouldn't get that sick waves, because during our session so many dark clouds went over the kakumäe bay and it even rained. Theoredically it's not allowed to kite with that kind of a weather but that was poo awesome and it was so good to be back on track, to caif those waves and just to ride an hour and a half from the top point of Kakumäe peninsula to the Tiskre beach!!

kaks illustreerivat pilti suvest // two illustrative pictures from summer


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