03. august oli see päev, kui Mammu tuli lõpuks Equadorist tagasi ja me peale 6 nädalat teda tägime!! Läksime kõik koos 7kesi talle lennujaama vastu, et oma chicka suure kisaga vastu võtta :)
03rd august was the day, when Mammu came back from Equador and we saw her after 6 long weeks!! We went together to the airport to welcome our chicka home loudly :)
Tüdruk kallistatud liikusime KÕIK mammu poole ta vanaema autos. Täpsustan seda, et meid oli 8 ning istusime seitsmekesi tagapingil. Muidugi suutsime veel ehitustööde vahele ära eksida, aga jõudsime ilma probleemideta mammu poole :D
When we all had hugged mammu we went over to her place in her grand moms car. I'd make that clear that we were in eight and there were 7 of us sitting in the back row. Of course we got lost between the roadworks but luckily we got home without any problems :D
Our "welcome home" cookie that ingels mom baked broke into 3 pieces but it still tasted perfect!
Edasi liikusime randa ning sealt edasi Tiskre randa, et mina saaksin koju minna ja ülejäänud sõbud kristeri poole. Tulime minu majani mööda teed, mida tavaliselt liigub max 30 minutit (läbi vee) seekord hoopis poolteist tundi, sest suutsime Tiskre randa ära eksida ning me ei leidnud õiget sissekäiku kõrkjate vahele üles. Teepeal jäi meile ette veel vigastunud kajakaspoeg, kellest kiljudes üle üritasime hüpata. Lõpuks lõpetasime kõik koos kristeri pool ning sõime öösel friikaid ja viinereid ja jäätist ning vaatasime grown up'si esimest osa. Oli väga mõnus üle nii pika aja oma tsikkide ja kuttidega koos olla!
Afterwards we headed to the beach and from there we went to Tiskre beach so I could go home and others could go to kristers place. We walked the road witch you usually walk for 30 minutes max this time for a hour and a half because we managed to get lost in Tiskre beach because we didn't find the correct road between the rushes. On the road a faulty seagull didn't let us through and we tried jumped over it whilst screaming. At the end we all were at Kristers place and ate french fries and wieners and ice cream and watched the first part of grown ups. It was so lovely to be with my girls and guys after such a long time!
It was a lovely evening full of hugs, memories and a lot of laughing :)
Since mammu got back we have done so much together witch will soon be on the blog too!!
feels like summer,
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