Nii lahe on see, et meil on tekkinud "seltskond" kellega me nii palju asju koos teha saame ja viitsime. Ega igaüks ei saa öelda, et ta oma 5 klassikaaslasega üleeile otsustas, et me lähme 2 päeva pärast Linnanmäele! Otsus tuli üsna spontaanselt ning piletid broneerisime 1 õhtu enne minekut. Saime eriti odava hinnaga piletid, edasi tagasi 15€ mis on ikka väga hea!

It's so cool that we have kind of formed a "clique/ group" of friends with who we can and we also want to do so many things together. Not everyone can say that they decided two days ago that they're going to Helsinki to Linnanmäki tomorrow with 6 classmates! Our decision came pretty spontaneously and we booked our tickets the day before. We got the tickets very cheaply, 15€ for tallinn-helsinki-tallinn was really good!

Kohale jõudes alustasime kõigepealt nendest atraktsioonidest, kus käib pea alaspidi, et saaks peale sööki veel kuskil käia. Alustasime Kirnust, mis oleks olnud eriti lahe, kui ma poleks terve aja silmad kinni karjunud. Käisime suht kõik pea-alaspidi asjad läbi, isegi oksetoolidel käisime ja vot see oli midagi megalahedat xd Ma olin ainuke, kellele see meeldis :D :D :D Käisime ka mõlemal veeatraktsioonil ning meil olid mammuga püksid tagasisõiduni märjad. Kõige hullem oli piletikassa peal olev selline nagu vaateratas aga nii, et sa teed ringe ja käid pea alaspidi, nagu need kondlid olid kogu aeg samas asendis. Ma loodan, et Joeli kuulmine on ikka korras, sest ma karjusin täiest kõrist :D 

When we got there we started off with those attractions where you flipped upside down so we would have somewhere to go after we had eaten. We started with Kirnu witch would have been even more awesome if I wouldn't have been screaming with my eyes closed for the whole time. We went through all the flippery things as well as "the vomit chairs" and well that was something awesome xd I was the only one who actually liked that ride (of course nobody vomited, we just like to call those kind of things where you can get sick "the vomit something") :D :D :D We also went to both of the water-including rides and until we got back my and mammus pants were still a little bit wet. The worst but still a cool ride was the one on top of the ticketselling house witch was a little bit like a ferris wheel but the cabins were in the same position for the whole time so you went like upside-down and did circles. I hope Joels ears didn't get affected because I was screaming so loudly :D

I'm so happy that we really did it- we actually accomplished by going to the amusement park and we found a date that matched almost everyones plans and we had so much fun!!! 
Love my peeps, 


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