Nii lahe on see, et meil on tekkinud "seltskond" kellega me nii palju asju koos teha saame ja viitsime. Ega igaüks ei saa öelda, et ta oma 5 klassikaaslasega üleeile otsustas, et me lähme 2 päeva pärast Linnanmäele! Otsus tuli üsna spontaanselt ning piletid broneerisime 1 õhtu enne minekut. Saime eriti odava hinnaga piletid, edasi tagasi 15€ mis on ikka väga hea!

It's so cool that we have kind of formed a "clique/ group" of friends with who we can and we also want to do so many things together. Not everyone can say that they decided two days ago that they're going to Helsinki to Linnanmäki tomorrow with 6 classmates! Our decision came pretty spontaneously and we booked our tickets the day before. We got the tickets very cheaply, 15€ for tallinn-helsinki-tallinn was really good!

Kohale jõudes alustasime kõigepealt nendest atraktsioonidest, kus käib pea alaspidi, et saaks peale sööki veel kuskil käia. Alustasime Kirnust, mis oleks olnud eriti lahe, kui ma poleks terve aja silmad kinni karjunud. Käisime suht kõik pea-alaspidi asjad läbi, isegi oksetoolidel käisime ja vot see oli midagi megalahedat xd Ma olin ainuke, kellele see meeldis :D :D :D Käisime ka mõlemal veeatraktsioonil ning meil olid mammuga püksid tagasisõiduni märjad. Kõige hullem oli piletikassa peal olev selline nagu vaateratas aga nii, et sa teed ringe ja käid pea alaspidi, nagu need kondlid olid kogu aeg samas asendis. Ma loodan, et Joeli kuulmine on ikka korras, sest ma karjusin täiest kõrist :D 

When we got there we started off with those attractions where you flipped upside down so we would have somewhere to go after we had eaten. We started with Kirnu witch would have been even more awesome if I wouldn't have been screaming with my eyes closed for the whole time. We went through all the flippery things as well as "the vomit chairs" and well that was something awesome xd I was the only one who actually liked that ride (of course nobody vomited, we just like to call those kind of things where you can get sick "the vomit something") :D :D :D We also went to both of the water-including rides and until we got back my and mammus pants were still a little bit wet. The worst but still a cool ride was the one on top of the ticketselling house witch was a little bit like a ferris wheel but the cabins were in the same position for the whole time so you went like upside-down and did circles. I hope Joels ears didn't get affected because I was screaming so loudly :D

I'm so happy that we really did it- we actually accomplished by going to the amusement park and we found a date that matched almost everyones plans and we had so much fun!!! 
Love my peeps, 



03. august oli see päev, kui Mammu tuli lõpuks Equadorist tagasi ja me peale 6 nädalat teda tägime!! Läksime kõik koos 7kesi talle lennujaama vastu, et oma chicka suure kisaga vastu võtta :)

03rd august was the day, when Mammu came back from Equador and we saw her after 6 long weeks!! We went together to the airport to welcome our chicka home loudly :)

Tüdruk kallistatud liikusime KÕIK mammu poole ta vanaema autos. Täpsustan seda, et meid oli 8 ning istusime seitsmekesi tagapingil. Muidugi suutsime veel ehitustööde vahele ära eksida, aga jõudsime ilma probleemideta mammu poole :D

When we all had hugged mammu we went over to her place in her grand moms car. I'd make that clear that we were in eight and there were 7 of us sitting in the back row. Of course we got lost between the roadworks but luckily we got home without any problems :D

Our "welcome home" cookie that ingels mom baked broke into 3 pieces but it still tasted perfect!

Edasi liikusime randa ning sealt edasi Tiskre randa, et mina saaksin koju minna ja ülejäänud sõbud kristeri poole. Tulime minu majani mööda teed, mida tavaliselt liigub max 30 minutit (läbi vee) seekord hoopis poolteist tundi, sest suutsime Tiskre randa ära eksida ning me ei leidnud õiget sissekäiku kõrkjate vahele üles. Teepeal jäi meile ette veel vigastunud kajakaspoeg, kellest kiljudes üle üritasime hüpata. Lõpuks lõpetasime kõik koos kristeri pool ning sõime öösel friikaid ja viinereid ja jäätist ning vaatasime  grown up'si esimest osa. Oli väga mõnus üle nii pika aja oma tsikkide ja kuttidega koos olla!

Afterwards we headed to the beach and from there we went to Tiskre beach so I could go home and others could go to kristers place. We walked the road witch you usually walk for 30 minutes max this time for a hour and a half because we managed to get lost in Tiskre beach because we didn't find the correct road between the rushes. On the road a faulty seagull didn't let us through and we tried jumped over it whilst screaming. At the end we all were at Kristers place and ate french fries and wieners and ice cream and watched the first part of grown ups. It was so lovely to be with my girls and guys after such a long time!

It was a lovely evening full of hugs, memories and a lot of laughing :)

Since mammu got back we have done so much together witch will soon be on the blog too!!
feels like summer,



#Tartu-Riia-Kolka-Ventspils-Liepaja-Palanga-Nida-Tallinn. LET'S GO!!!

Esimene peatus meie family roadtripis oli Riia. Ma olin Riias esimest korda ning see linn küll meie naaberriigi pealinnalik polnud. Tekkis tunne, nagu me oleks kuskil Lääne-Euroopa väikelinnas. Väljas oli mõnusalt soe ning me jalutasime ca 2 tundi mööda linna ringi. Samal ajal oli the tallship races ka Riiga jõudnud ning sadam oli inimesi täis ja peatee oli kinni pandud. 

The first stop of our family road trip was Riga. I was there first time and that city sure didn't look like Latvias capital city. I felt like I was in a small town in western Europe. It was warm and we walked for about 2 hours around the town. At the same time the tall ship races had reached to Riga so the port was full of people and the main street was closed. 

Käisime õhtust söömas restoranis "Kolm kokka" kus enne eelrooga tuli üks ettekandjatest suure korvitäie kastmetega meie laua juurde, tutvustas igat kastet eraldi ning tegi nendest lauale mustri. Veel andis ta meile saia, et kõiki kastmeid maitsta. See oli küll üllatus aga see oli nii lahe idee minuarust! 

We went riding to a restaurant called "The three chefs" where before the appetizers a water came to us with a basket full of different sauces. She introduced every sauce and made a pattern on the table. She also gave us some bread to taste the sauces. It was a surprise but it sure is a pretty good idea in my opinion!

Enne Kolkat peatusime veel kuskil maakohas, et käia ujumas. Rand oli niivõrd mõnus, liiv oli hele ning vesi oli nii soe!! Suutsime stellaga teha ühe 19 minutilise kaugkõne :D

Before Kolka we stopped somewhere at the countryside to go swimming. The beach was so pleasant, the sand was white and the water was so warm!! We even managed to do a long-distance call for 19 minutes with stella :D


Kolkas läksime me poolsaare tippu, et näha seda kohta, kust on Saaremaale 38 km. Rand oli jällegi meeletult mõnus ja vesi oli samuti soe & üllatavalt puhas. Välja arvatud rannad on ülejäänud loodus üldiselt suhteliselt sama, nagu Eestiski.

At Kolka we went to the peak of the peninsula from where there is 38 km to Saaremaa. The beach was again amazing and the water was also warm and surprisingly clear. Besides the beaches the nature is kind of the same as in Estonia.

Seal oli võimalik laenutada siukseid pisikesi tünnikujulisi maju, kus sees oli ainult 1 voodi. Odav romantika as we call it.

You even had the chance to rent this small barrel-shaped houses, witch only had one bed inside. Cheap romanic as we call it.

Edasi sõitsime paar tundi Ventspilsi, kus oli esimene ametlik surfirand. Tuult muidugi ei olnud, seeest oli aga 27 kraadi sooja ja lauspäike. Ventspils on tuntud oma linnapeaga, kes omab sillutuskivide vabrikut ning kogu linna kõik, absoluutselt kõik teed on sillutatud. Samuti on terve linn täis erinevaid lehmaskulptuure ning mänguväljakuid, kuid samas asub Ventspils suure tööstussadama kõrval ning seal on üsna mürarikas ning puuduvad esiteks hotellid ning kõikvõimalikud majutused ja teiseks turistid..

Afterwards we headed to Ventspils where was the first official surfing beach. Ofcourse there was no wind but instead we had 27 degrees celsius and clear sky. Ventspils is known by their hair who owns a paving factory so all the roads, absolutely all the roads in the city were covered with pavels. Also the town is full of cow sculptures and playgrounds, but there isn't almost any hotels/ accommodations and by that there neither is tourists..

Oma roadtripi teise öö veetsime ühes pisikeses juugendstiilis linnakseses Liepajas. Õhtul sinna jõudes tekitas koht veidike kõhedust aga samas hommikul seal ringi jalutades oli märgata kõiki erinevaid pisidetaile majade sillutistel ning linn õhkas mõnusalt värskelt peale öist vihma. Ka seal oli suuuur surfirand ja 0 ms tuult. Siiski oli Liepaja hästimõnus linn :)

 We spent the second night of our road trip in a small art noveou- styled town called Liepaja. When we got there by night it was a little bit creepy but when I walked around the town in the morning I was able to see all the small details on the houses and the town smelled freshly after rain. Again there was a really big surfing beach but 0 knots of wind. Liepaja still is a cozy town :)

Longisime issiga hommikul mööda rannapromenaadi, käisime ujumas ja longisime tagasi.

Me and my dad, we long boarded by the beach promenade, went swimming and then long boarded back :)

Coolest dad on earth or what, all in hollister :D


Algul ma arvasin, et Palanga on jällegi üks rahulik väike linnake, ainult et Leedus. Kui me linna sisse sõitsime, sain ma aru, et see on tsipa suurem linn. Lõpuks sain ma aru, et see on nö Leedu Pärnu, suvepealinn hiiiiglasliku rannaga. See rand oli reaalselt üks suur lihaturg, inimesed olid ennast niivõrd kokku pakkinud, terve rand oli rahvast täis niikaugele välja, kuni silm seletas. Väljas oli vähemalt 30 kraadi sooja ja liiv oli tulikuum. Me longisime mööda järjekordset promenaadi rannani. Seekord vaatasid kõik meid, nagu filmis driftisime läbi inimeste xd

At first I thought that Palanga is jet another small town but in Lithuania. As we drove into the city I realized it's a little bit larger town. Finally I got that Palanga is Lithuanian edition of Pärnu, the summerkapital with a huuuuge beach. The beach was like a meat market (if I could say so), people were packed together, the whole beach was full of people as far as you could see. It was around 30 degrees celsius and the sand was burning hot. Again we long boarded on the promenade to the beach but this time all eyes were on us like in movies :D

Strumu Svyturys
Viimased kaks ööd veetsime Leedus ühes pisikeses kalurikülas nimega Strumu Svyturys. Majutus oli väga armas- meil oli pisike kahetoaline appartment välisukse ja akendega merele, skandiaavialiku interjööriga heledates ning sinistes toonides. Kokku oli seal ca 7-8 tuba aga pooled olid tühjad. Kogu kompleks (peamaja majutamiseks, restoran ja köök, väike lisamaja majutuseks ning kalameeste kuur)  asus merest umbes 20m kaugusel ning iga hommik käisid kohalikud kalurid merel võrke välja võtmas. Õhtul sai kohalikust restoranist valida omale meelepärase kala, mille kokk meie silme all kaminas lõkke kohal valmistas. See kala oli niiiii hea ja värske, mõlemal õhtul oli söök suppper!!!

We spent our last two nights in Lithuania in a small fishermen village called Strumu Svyturys. The accommodation was wary sweet- we had a small apartment with windows and front door to the sea, with a scandiavian interior in bright and blue tones. In total there were around 7-8 rooms but half of them were empty. The whole complex (main house with rooms, restaurant and citchen, a small house for accommodation and fishermen shed) was about 20m from the sea. Every morning local fishermen went to the sea to take up fishing nets and every evening the clients of the restaurant had the chance to choose a fish for the table witch the chef cooked in a chimney on fire. The fish was soooooo good and fresh, both nights the food was superb!!!

Käisime leedu üht vanimat majakat vaatamas ning mingid leedu mehed olid just merelt tulnud. Kui ma nendelt küsima läksin, et kudias tuul oli jne vaatasid nad algul mind nagu mingit maailma imet ja olid väga üllatunud, kui ma ütlesin, et ma juba teist aastat surfan. naisi ikka alahinnatakse..

We went to see lithuanias one oldest lighthouse and two lithuanian men just came back from surfing. When I went to ask how was the wind etc they first looked me like a miracle and were very impressed when I told them that I've been surfing for the last 2 years. women are underestimated..

Esimesel õhtul hakkas kella 9 paiku tibutama. See läks ajapikku edasi padukaks ning kell 11 istusime jopedes oma välisuksel ja vaatasime otse ees merepeal möllavat äikesetormi. Kokku kestis torm vähemalt 12h, sest kui me hommikul kella 9 ajal ärkasime, et sööma minna, oli ikka veel müristamist kuulda. Magada saime umbes täpselt paar tundi sest akna taga välkus koguaeg ja müristamine oli niiii kõva. Öeldi, et sealkandis pole varem sellist tormi olnud. Siiski oli see megailus, kui kogu silmapiir täitus välgunooltega!

First night it started raining a little around 9 o'clock and the rain slowly turned into heavy rain. Eventually around 11 o'clock we were sitting on our front doorsteps looking at the thunderstorm in front of us on the sea. The storm was 12h long because when we woke up in the morning around 9 to grab some breakfast we still heard the rumble. We got to sleep only for a few hours because it went black-white-black-white for the whole night outside and the thunder was soooo loud. We were told that at that area there hadn't ever been that long of a thunderstorm. It still was very beautiful though when the whole horizon was full of lightning bolts!


liivadüünide tipust avanes mega vaade! Samas on nii jube mõelda, et sinna alla on 5 külakest mattunud

on top of the dunes there was an amazing view but it's pretty horrible to think that under the dunes there are 5 small villages buried..

Nidas veetsime oma viimase ja mõnusa päeva- sõime, jalutasime ja sõitsime ringi, käisime liivadüüne vaatamas ja ujumas (selle tripi parim ujumine for sure) ja venemaa piiri ääres ka! Nida olli väga armas ja pisike linnake :)

bros coffeshop

We spent our last and pleasant day at Nida- we ate, we walked and drove around, went to see the dunes, we went to the border of russia and we also went swimming ( the best swim during the trip for sure!) Nida was a pleasant and a small village!

venemaa piir // russian border

parim surfirand ja mul polnud varustust kaasas :( // the best surfing beach and I didn't have my kite with me :(

Strumu Svyturys

viimase õhtu päikeseloojang // last nights sunset

kaluriküla restorani hubane interjöör // fishermen villages restaurants cozy interior

ja üks õnnelik roadtripper :)
