Eelmise nädala lõpul käisid meil külas mu lapsepõlvesõber Meri ning ta ema. Tutvustasime neile Tallinna- käisime telliskivi loomelinnakus, jalutasime kadriorus, käisime kumus. Lisaks shoppasime päris mitu tundi, kammisime läbi kõik allahindlused ning saime mõlemad paar ilusat uut asja. Sööma viisime nad Tallinna hetkel tuntud "trendipaikadesse", nagu näiteks F hoonesse, millest kirjutati ka soome ühes ajalehes artiklis "Tallinna top 10 restorani". Veel käisime söömas Kadrioru ääres olevas uues kohvikus ning ka kohvik Komeedi terrassil.
At the end of last week, my childhood friend Meri and her mother visited us. We introduced Tallinn to them- we went to telliskivi loomelinnak, walked in Kadrioru park, visited kumu (an art museum). We also went shopping, quite a few hours, we went through all sales and we both got some new pieces. For to eat we took them to Tallinns currently known trend places, like F hoone, witch was written about in one of finnish magazines in an article named "Tallinns top 10 restaurants". We also had capuchins and some little cakes at the new cafe along the Kadrioru park and we also ate at the terrace of Cafe Komeet.
The interior of F hoone
Üks õhtu kutsusime nad endale külla, et ei peaks jälle kuskil restoranis pikalt istuma, vaid saaks mõnusalt meie terrassil grillida ja juttu rääkida. Küpsetasin ülimaitsva valge shokolaadi juustukoogi, mille me maasikate ning piparmündilehtedega ära kaunistasime. See kook on maailma parim, retsepti leiab Käisime Meriga ka kakumäe rannas, tutvustasin talle veidi rajooni. Muidugi ei puudunud ka photoshoot, mis oli väga lõbus :D
One night we invited them to our place so we wouldn't have to sit in some kind of a restaurant for a long time. At our place we could just eat and talk and feel comfortable on our pleasant terrace. I baked a soooooo good white chocolate cheesecake witch we decorated with strawberries and peppermint leaves. That cake was the best, you can find the recipe at We went to the Kakumäe beach with Meri, I did a little tour for her in the neighborhood. Of course we had a little photo shoot witch was very much fun :D
Avastasin, et me oleme üllatavalt sarnased tüdrukud, vähemalt minu arust. Meile meeldivad samad asjad, huvitavad samad alad- mood, blogi, fotograafia jne. Me suudame isegi pooleaastaste vahedega teineteist nähes jätkata täpselt sealt kuhu me viimati pooleli jäime ning vaatamata sellele, et me teineteist nii harva näeme, oleme me siiski väga väga head sõbrad!
I discovered that we are surprisingly similar two girls, at least I think so. We like the same things, we are interested of the same things- fashion, blogging, photography etc. Even though we see each other after every half a year we are still able to continue where we left last time and even though we see each other very rarely we are still really good friends!
Leppisime veel kokku, et saan augustis paar päeva nendepool olla, et me saaks käia Helsinkis, pildistada veel rohkem, hästi palju süüa ning niisama rääkida. AAAAH can't wait!! Kõik mis puudutab Soomet ning Helsinkit, ma olen kohe in, nii hea on alati oma kodulinnas olla- käia läbi kõik lemmikkohvikud, jalutada lemmiktänavatel ning juua muumilimonaadi ja teha kõike muud, mis on nii nostalgiline :)
We also made a deal that I can go to Finland and stay at their place for a few days so we could go to Helsinki, take pictures and do photo shoots, eat lots and just catch up. AAAAH can't wait!! Everything that has to do with Finland and Helsinki, I'm immediately in, it's always so good to be in my hometown- go to all of my favorite cafes, walk by my favorite streets, drink muumilemonade and do everything else, that's so nostalgic :)
from the very beginning til the very end
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