On that saturday of September I decided we go to Tabasalu for a picnic and so we did and it was the best decision for reals! In the morning we went to NOP Sügisturg aka NOP autumn flea and bought some spinach hummus and a salad dressing and two vegan cakes- one chocolate brownie and one apple crumble, which was gf as well. After prepping some food to go at my place we took a spot by the cliff and layed down our blanket and ate alllll the amazing food we took along, all was plant based and vegan which was such a plus and made it so much more easier to digest therefore I at least
did not feel bloated at all- the bestbestbestest!!
NOP's garden will win my award of the best yard 2k15
and the easiest way to prep a salad: just start with your dressing and/OR the thickest ingridients and work your way up to the lightest and add salad leaves in the end, this way anything won't get wet
with the dressing ad stays fresh as you packed it, so good an SO easy!