I just (literally 5 minutes ago) decided to start this series called 'a day in life' which is rather well-known through youtube etc, but this is mine, I'll do it maybe throughout summer, maybe even longer, will see.

SO last Monday me, my mum and my dad, we went to our country house in Haapse, to fix the toilet and mow the lawn and rest a little, and it was good to be back there, as always, even for such a short time.

the sea was so calm I could've sat there for hours and just think 
and enjoy the nostalgic sound that gulls make

 !! soooo beautiful !!

And as we got home, I made a vegan lasagna for us three out of red lentil and carrot something stuff and self-made tomato sauce and sunflower-seed-cheese and it turned out delish !! even mum and dad liked it !! check out the recipe here.



Heyy guyss!

In the beginning of this week estonians celebrated the 'biggest' holiday of summer, which is the midsummer's day/eve. We, me and a bunch of my friends, went to one's country house in Oru, spent two days there doing almost nothing besides eating and watching the rain fall and relaxed and celebrated like everyone. It was quite fun, luckily the rain stopped both evenings and we got to sit outside and enjoy fresh-humid-after rain-air, sweeeet.

My fave part of country life is the fact that you don't friggin need to look beautiful or fashionable, you can be as boho and comfy as you want, in my case that'd be leggings and a loose sweater and a top knot. This time I found these amazing (xd) slippers, which had 'sunrise' on them, friggin good, as the grass was wet and runners would've got even wetter in like 0 seconds, so yes, loved my slippers !

how to: country life veggie washing

My biggest concern was about what to eat as  e v e r y o n e  eats meat during the midsummer aand but I do not eat meat, so the first evening I grilled some veggie-patties I found in Prisma, forgot to take a picture of the package, but they were rather good, just that they had some not that good stuff in them, though that is always so when buying ready-made food. But the next evening I went the easier (and tastier) way and boiled some rice, heated up some tomato sauce and added chickpeas and voila, the best thing evvveer !! and it only took me like 15min to prepare, how easy is that !?!?


1/2 JUNE

On another sunday, we went to our country home in Haapse, and I felt so fashionable with a white lilac in my hair, so my mum forced me to smile for a picture..

and of course I needed to take some with me, they just smell soooo good and we had so many of them at Haapse, why not to enjoy some at home as well..

and I'm in this Kumu Youth Club, which is a long story, but I (with some Co help) designed a poster for an event that just took place, and we spread them all over the town in many hipsterish areas and bars etc, and the feeling, when you bump into your work spontaneously, feels so proud and good !!

acai-look-alike-smoothie bowl in diy jungle

It's actually quite funny, that only now, when already half of june has passed, it starts to feel like summer.. maybe it's because last week I woke up 8:45 every morning because we had this intensive dance courses 4 times a week in the mornings from the beginning of june. they ended this friday and the way i myself developed was really good, I learned so much new and finally got do it all through many times. also my first season at that dance school ended, and i friggin love my mates, such incredible dancers already at the age of 13, not to mention my aged girls, who just blow my mind every time with their passion and wish to dance, much love and seeya in august !!

we felt cute one morning
excuse us

our small little garden
(I have kale growing in my back yard!!!!)

and the feeling when you can make a salad from home-grown salad, that is a good feeling
and a fresh one as well

summery late sunsets and sunset cruises in small forests and sits on the stones next to the water
yes please

a symmetric breakfast for two?
yes please

and long nights on the roof of our surf school, watching golden sunsets and chit-chatting?
yess pleasee !!


it was Tallinn Street Food Fest recently, and because I was working on Saturday, the sunny day, we went there on Sunday, the rainy day. At first I wasn't that excited, but firstly, I finally saw Anett over like a week which is a long period of time, and secondly, there were no queues because of the weather, and we had a blast !! (on saturday, there were around 10 000 visitors, on sunday around 3000)

my beautiful

oh my god yes !! 
I finally got to eat Papa Joe's falafels, instantly fell in love, the best thing on earth
falafel is love falafel is life
same thing with hummus

"take the pic i want to eat this alreadyyy"
or always document when eating falafels, it is crucial

we also bought some sweet potato fries by the restaurant Kivi Paber Käärid, but I personally was rather disappointed as these were too oily and dry for me.
the best sweet potato chips are still without any oil or salt, straight out of the oven

and we also tried some raw homemade cakes, these were good, a sweet end to a savoury falafel salad
though I could've by the same way eat another plate of falafels for dessert...

And afterwards, as Anett went to dance zumba, we visited TASE '15 which was an exhibition about bachelor's and master's thesis works, by graduates from the Estonian Academy of Art. The exhibition was in an old sock-factory (SUVA) in Kalamaja, which will be the new house for EKA, but it's not yet renovated, which I just loved !! this building looked exactly the same as I guess it looked back in the days when it was used as a factory, all the old signs etc were still up, paint on the walls was falling off and the windows hardly stayed on (just old house things). The exhibition itself was through 5 floors. I personally liked the architecture floor and the floor of fine arts the most, and I didn't enjoy the floor of graphic design, it was a bit too hipsterish, too much room was let for imagination. Architecture I liked because I felt that that was something I'd like to create in the future, and fine arts because they were the most logically abstract, and because the animations were soon good with great plot-twists and original ideas. 
There is something I absolutely love about this kind of abstract art, where the artist does not reveal his/here point of view, or the idea/background of the artwork, so anyone wondering or looking, has his/her own idea or he/she gets it their own way, their own original way. But at the same time the idea is not that hidden, so it is still fun to examine, and it's easy to guess the artists idea.

for example there was "The dream room" which had pink stars painted all over the floor, and some abstract paintings on the walls, I loved that room so so much!! 
and after all, it was very cute

small cinema with genius animations !

and as it was rainy and I was wearing my beautiful black rubber boots, I think I jumped into every puddle that got in the way, it felt so childish but so free and good at the same time. I guess it is necessary to be a little kid every once in a while.. with no shame!
absolutely love that weather.

In the evening we had a movie night at my place, watched "The boyhood" and drank soy-milk-cocoas and ate bananas, it was sweet.
and then i walked Anett almost home, and walked back, breathed the fresh-after-rain-humid-air and was happy with myself and with my thoughts

that little dot there is Anett
bye Anett


Niisiis, Kumu noorteklubi, mis sa täpsemalt oled?

Veebruari lõpuks pidi ära saatma ühe küsimustiku, et kandideerida Kumu noorteklubisse.. mina saatsin selle ära märtsi esimesel ööl, olin lootused juba enam-vähem maha matnud, ning pigem näitasin niisama huvi üles, kuid võta näpust - joppas, ja sees ma olingi!

Sellest ajast saati olen pea iga nädal veetnud vähemalt tunnikese Kumu seinte vahel, käinud näitustel, teinud instagrammi, mõelnud-arutanud-kujundanud-korraldanud koos meie enam-vähem koospüsiva tiimi ja imearmsa juhendaja Mary'ga. 

Ma ei oska päris täpselt vastata küsimusele Millega see Kumu noorteklubi tegeleb? aga umbes vastaksin ma nii, et meie ülesanne on luua Kumu inimestele, eriti aga just noortele igapäevasemaks kohaks, mida külastada ning kus aega veeta, korraldada noortepäevi ning läbi suve kestvaid sisehoovis aset leidvaid üritusi, jaa nii edasii..

See ongi vist üsnagi kõik, lõpuks sain selle kirja, feels so good! 
ja hästi palju pilte kah
PS followige meid Instagrammis

alustame siis algusest- 13.märts, noorteklubi esimene kohtumine

veeits närvis ja veeeits ootusärev

hirmusilusa tatoveeringu töötoa katsetamine

"Surm ja ilu" näituestutvustus vinni puhhiga

Hirmusilus noortepäev

muuseumiööeelne kohtumine ja soundcheck

(thank god for khris, et ma ei pea üksi käima, oleks rohkem kui pooole igavam ausõna)

#kumuruum või #kumuspace ehk fotoseina jaoks (mustvalged) pildid kumust

sisehoovi avaüritus
ja meie oma fotonäitus Kumus
pigem väga artsy

sellel pildil on khris aka must auk taas featuring

my ladies
anetti imeline hääl oli eriti imeline kumus kui ta avaüritusel meile laulis, fell in love
seal kajab väga hästi

viimane üritus, mis sisehoovis toimus, oli koomiksiõhtu
sama, mille plakati ma enam-vähem üksi disainisin

raw love and very zen piknikulaud

ja miniraamatukogu- tulge võtke kunstiraamatuid ja tooge omi asemele
fair trade take away library kumu edition 

be artsy