Spontaansetest otsustest sünnivad alati parimad mälestused. Nii ka seekord, kui olime ingliga mammu pool ja arutasime, mida veel selle suve jooksul teha võiks, tuli järsku idee minna Saaremaale mammu maakottu ja veeta seal paar mõnusat päeva. Mõeldud-tehtud, järgmine õhtu pakkisime asjad ning hommikul läksime juba kella üheksasele bussile Kuressaarde. Kõik välja arvatud mammu muidugi, kes suutis taaskord sisse magada ja keda me Kuressaares siis järgi ootasime :) Reis läks kiirelt ja üllataval kombel olimegi juba Atla külas, Saaremaal. Kogunesime aiamajja ning meile peeti loeng teemal mida tohib ja mida mitte. Mammu vanemad läksid üsnapea ära ning me jäimegi omapead..
The best memories always come from spontaneous decisions, so is was it this time. As we were at mammus place with ingel and discussed what else should we do this summer we suddenly thought that we should go to Saaremaa to mammus country house. The next night we packed our stuff and the morning after we were at the buss station to catch the 9 o'clock bus to Kuressaare. We all were there EXCEPT mammu, who managed to sleep in again so we waited after her at Kuressaare :) The ride went fast and surprisingly we already were at Atla village, in Saaremaa. We gathered to the garden house and her mum told as what can we do and what not to do etc. Mammus parents went away to Tallinn and we were left all alone..
4 päeva söögid // food for four days
Ingel: "sinuga on ilmselt väga raske süüa teha, kui sa igast etapist pilti teed xd"
Ingel: " it's probably very hard to cook with you if you take pictures of every stage xd"
first dinner- tortillas!!
I found mammus grand mums straw hat which I basically wore during the whole trip // country girls
7 km sõit lähimasse poodi Kihelkonnas ATVga mis algselt pidi kannatama kuni 68 kilo, aga kannatas seda times two xd
Picture perfect- saaremaa idüll:
kadakad, päike, soe tuul, hubane aiamaja. Tüdrukud süüa tegemas & poisid korisramise üle vingumas. Mitu korda päevas ujumas käimine, mitmed vettehüpped. Maailmamõnus seltskond, palju naeru & lõbus tuju. ATV-ga sõitmine, slip'n'slide, twister.. Batuudil trikkide õppimine & teineteise põrgatamine, kõrgele. Cookied jäätisega ning retro telekas kolme telekanalit üle kandmas. Öösel seitsmekesi batuudil tekkides lamamine ning langevate tähtede lugemine (31!!!) Hommikul batuudil ärkamine, tekkide eest võitlemine, kõigi külmad varbad batuudi keskel. Varajane jooks mereäärde, virgastav ujumine ning jooksuga tagasi. Särisevad pannkoogid pannil täidavad aiamaja imehea lõhnaga. Unised, kuid näljased lapsed söögilaua ümber hommikusööki ootamas. Pikad jalutuskäigud mööda rohtukasvanud külateid, kaugustes määgivad lambad, õlgkübarates tüdrukud..
Picture perfect- idyllic Saaremaa
junipers, sun, warm wind, cozy garden house. Girls making food & boys waining about cleaning. Swimming serval times a day, countless dives. Sooo good company, loads of laughter & a good feeling. Riding the ATV, slip'n'slide, twister.. Learning tricks on the trampoline and bouncing each other on the trampoline, high. Cookies with ice cream and a retro tv that shows only the three main tv channels. Lying on the trampoline at night wrapped in blankets and counting falling stars (31!!) Waking up in the morning on the trampoline, fighting for the blankets, everyones cold feet in the middle. An early run to the sea, a refreshing swim and a fast jog back. Sizzling pancakes on the stove fill the garden house with such a good scent! Sleepy but hungry faces around the breakfast table waiting to eat. Long walks on grassy village roads, bleating sheep in the distance, girls in straw hats..
an example how not to cook rice.. by mammu & joel
pure happiness
Day 3
väljavõte märkmikust-
Kell on 8:45 hommikul & ma pole veel magama läinud. Enam ei tule und ka, olen ainus ärkvel. Õhtul vaatasime "The day after tomorrow" ning sõime cookiesid jäätisega, peale mida tõime toast tekid & lamasime batuudil & vaatasime tähti. Ma märkasin 31 langevat tähte ning soovisin iga tähega midagi. Elu peaks ikka kuradi heaks minema xd Peale seda läksime tuppa, sest aiamaja laes oli ca 20 vaablast. Mängisime aliast, me Ingliga võitsime. Peale seda õppisime POKKERIT mängima, peale mida võtsime välja monopoly, mida me mängida ei viitsinud ning lõpetasime imagoga. Edasi käisime poiste toas vaablasi tamas, siis aiamajast süüa toomas ning läksime jälle batuudile. Kõigi külmad varbad olid keskel ning kõik sudisid & sorkisid teineteist selle suure tekihunniku alt. Lubasime küll, et teeme allnighteri, kuid pikapeale jäid kõik magama. Keegi ei tahtnud muga ei ujuma ega jooksma tulla (mul oli vääga palju energiat) seega otsustasin ise minna. Kell oli siis 7:45. Jooksin randa, käisin ujumas ning jooksin tagasi. Kõik magasid ikka batuudil, aga minu uni oli läinud. Käisin sooja dušši all, tegin endale suure tassi teed ning mõnusa pesa kiiktooli katuse alla & siin ma nüüd siis olen, LAST ONE STANDING. Kõik on nüüdseks toas magamas, sest vihma hakkas tibutama, aga mul on isegi päris hea olla. Und ei ole ning ma saan kohe 24h üleval oldud!! Summer checklistist järjekorde asi tehtud!
an outtake form my diary/ notebook-
It's 8:45 in the morning & I haven't gone to sleep yet. I wouldn't fall asleep anyway, I'm the only one awake. In the evening we watched "The day after tomorrow" and ate chocolate chip cookies with ice cream (heaven), after what we took our blankets and went outside to lie on the trampoline and watched falling stars. I saw 31 stars and made a wish with everyone. My life should turn pretty perfect now xd After it got too cold outside we went inside because there were about 20 hornets in the ceiling of the garden house. We played alias, with me and Ingel won, after that we learned how to play POKKER, after what we took out the monopoly, which we didn't play and we finished with imago. Afterwards we went to boys room to kill some hornets but it was pretty pointless. Then we brought some food from the garden house and went back on the trampoline. Everyones cold feet were in the middle and we were tickling each other with our cold toes under the grand blanket hill. Aththough we promised to do an allnighter, but as the time passed everyone fell asleep. Excpect me. No-one wanted to go swimming or running with me (i had so much energy) so I decided to go by myself. It was 7:45 then. I ran to the beach, swam a little and ran back. Everyone were sleeping on the trampoline, but my sleep was gone. I took a warm shower, made myself a big cup of tea and made a cozy "bed" on the rocking chair under the patio roof so here I am, THE LAST ONE STANDING. Everyone is now inside sleeping because it started to rain a little but I feel pretty good. I don't have any sleep and I will soon soon reach being awake for 24 hours!! Another check made to my summer checklist!
hommikusöök kell 14:30 peale allnighterit // a breakfast at 14:30 after the allnighter
best pancakes ever!
so there was a TV on an island where we walked thorough the water. There wasn't a soul..
nii möödus vihmane pärastlõuna peale 2h und // that's how we spent a rainy afternoon after 2h of sleep
viimase õhtu puhul lasime igaüks lendu ühe hiina laterna! Imearmas oli
To celebrate the last night we all let a chinese latern in to the sky! It was very sweet
Day 4
the garden house
Mu lux tagasisõit rekkaga, mis tuli Atla külla mulle järgi. Rekkajuht viskas lausa Tiskresse ära, fablife
My lux ride back to home in a trucker. The driver even brought me to Tiskre, fablife
Seekord oli rohkem pilte, kui juttu, vahelduseks. Lisaks panin kokku ka video kogu tripist, video mis teeb iga kurva päeva rõõmsaks! See oli suve üks parim tripp parimate inimestega parimas kohas parima söögiga, kõik oli PERFEKTNE!! Ma olen nii rõõmus et meil selline seltskond on kellega tõesti saab selliseid asju ette võtta ja usukumatu on see, et ma suhtlen kõigi vanade klassikaaslasetga ikka samapalju, isegi kui me enam samas koolis ei käi, aah lovelovelove!!
This time there was more pictures that text, for a change. Also I put together a video of the trip, which makes every sad day happy just by watching it! That sure was one of the best trips of this summer with best people in a best place with the best food, everything was PERFECT!! I'm so very happy that we have that kind of a group with who we really can do stuff like that and unbelievable is the fact that I still communicate with my old classmates even though we are not in the same school anymore, oh lovelovelove!!
AND THE VIDEO shows even better what we did there!! It's also up on youtube but the quality tured out pretty bad there :/
I still am happy about the trip!